• Record Rainfall Adds to Waste Problem in Coastal Areas

    Jun 12
    The island of Jamaica experienced record rainfall amounts May 12th to 19th of 2017 following a prolonged period of drought. The island nation was severely impacted by heavy rains associated with a slow-moving trough (see Photo 1). The Jamaica Meteorological Service, in an emergency press conference held Tuesday May 16th, revealed that rainfall amounts received …Read more  »
  • Jamaica and the Green Climate Fund

    Sep 30
    With effects of Climate Change presenting serious repercussions on world economies, livelihoods and security, Jamaica, among six other Caribbean countries, have solicited to be a part of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). This fund is governed by the Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub through its host, the Mauritius government. The capital will be used to …Read more  »
  • The Negril – Jamaica Breakwater Project Abandoned

    Jul 18
    Beach erosion occurs when waves and currents remove sand from the beach system. The loss of sand causes the beach to become narrower and lower in elevation. Storm waves carry the sand offshore, depositing and storing the sediment in large sandbars. Technically, constructing breakwaters along Negril’s seven miles beach, which has been undergoing dramatic rates …Read more  »
  • The South China Sea/Law of the Sea

    Jul 18
    There are several benefits to China if it is allowed to expand its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), these include: additional sea resources, and increase their trading power amongst neighbouring countries; such as: creating a limit on the trading ships from other countries by Chinese authority. However, the expansion of the border of the South China …Read more  »
  • Kingston’s Race to Climate Departure

    Jul 7
    The term “climate departure” marks the point at which the earth’s climate begins to enter  into a new state, one where heat records are routinely shattered and what once was considered extreme will become the norm. A city hits climate departure when the average temperature of its coolest year from then on is projected to …Read more  »
  • 5 Years Since the 9.0 Magnitude Japan Earthquake

    Mar 11
    March 11, 2011 (five years ago), a mega earthquake hit the east of Japan with a magnitude of 9.0 on the Richter scale – the largest earthquake in recorded history to hit Japan. The earthquake resulted in several spatial land waves and also an enormous tsunami which devastated the east coast of Japan. Generally, earthquakes frequently …Read more  »
  • Dr Maxam gives 2nd Annual Ivan Goodbody Lecture at the JIEP AGM

    Nov 20
    Dr Maxam’s presentation – The Great Terrain Robbery – My piece of the Rock versus SLR! – was delivered at the Jamaica Institute of Environmental Professionals Annual General Meeting Tuesday November 20, 2015. With much of the island’s population, properties and livelihoods at stake with projected sea level rise, Dr Maxam charged environmentalists with the challenge to create a more balanced …Read more  »