Ms. Ajani Bissick is a GIS Graduate Research Associate with the Mona Geoinformatics Institute. She obtained a certification in Advanced Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing from the Land Information Council of Jamaica (LICJ) and UWI in August 2018 and a BSc in Geology and Computer Science at UWI in September 2019. Following the completion of her bachelor’s degree, Ms. Bissick joined the Mona Geoinformatics Institute (MGI) team in February 2020 – where she functioned in the capacities of a GIS Technician and later GIS Projects Coordinator before returning to her academic studies. She is currently pursuing Ph.D. studies in Sedimentology at McGill University in Canada. Her research interests include the application and use of chemostratigraphy – particularly a mixture of elemental data and strontium isotope ratios, paleontology, Bayesian modeling, and sequence stratigraphy in the stratigraphic correlation and paleoenvironmental interpretation of sediments from the Officer Basin in Australia and potentially, the isle of Montreal.